Nature Challenge - Hérault

From age 7


Nature Challenge - Hérault

From age 7

Language of the game :

Multi: FR - EN - ES - DE - IT - NL

Find the nearest point of sale

Aim of the game

Nature Challenge - Hérault takes you on a journey to meet the animals that inhabit the department! Discover their characteristics, then bet on their strengths to win the game.

Ready to take up the challenge?

2 to 6 players. From age 7. Made in France.

Further information

Weight : 0.11 kg

Size : 7.2 x 11.4 x 2.0 cm

How to play?

All players have their cards in front of them, face down. The player who starts the round looks at the top card of his pile and chooses the characteristic of the animal that he considers to be the strongest. The other players consult their first card and state the value of this same characteristic. The player with the highest value wins the round.

Example of battle:

The Montpellier snake weighs 2,000 g… can it win the battle against the speckled seahorse? Yes ! She wins because she is the heaviest animal (the speckled seahorse weighs 50 grams). Be careful, the degree of threat to the species can turn the situation around during battles! If a player's animal is more threatened than that of the player who opened the round, he can change the confrontation characteristic.

The first player to collect all the cards in the game wins the game!

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